E Commerce Website Development
Embrace the world of technology to amplify your business. Get Blazing fast, mobile ready, feature-rich stores built on latest technology to expand your business through the internet. Be it buying or selling of services or transfer of funds, make everything simpler through the vast world of eCommerce with Ujudebug.
We Specialize in
- eCommerce Website Development Solution starting at Rs. 9999
- Multiple Category E Commerce Solution
- Custom eCommerce App Development
- E-commerce Mobile App Development
- B2B Ecommerce Website Development
- B2C Ecommerce Complete Solution
- C2C Ecommerce Solution
- C2B Ecommerce Website
- Government / Public Administration Ecommerce
- Drop Shipping eCommerce Development
- Wholesaling and Warehousing Ecommerce
- Private Labeling and Manufacturing Ecommerce
- White Labeling Ecommerce
- Subscription Ecommerce
- Single Product Model Ecommerce
- Single Category Ecommerce
- eCommerce Mobile Application Development starting at Rs. 7999
- Affiliate E-Commerce Development
- Hybrid [Single Category + Affiliate] eCommerce
- Multiple Vendor eCommerce Development
- Single Vendor eCommerce Website
- Mobile Commerce App Development
- Android eCommerce App Development
- Android online store Application
- Magento eCommerce Website
- OpenCart eCommerce solution
- Woo Commerce Website
- Custom eCommerce CMS
- Custom eCommerce CMS Android Mobile App
- eCommerce Solution with Payment Gateway Integration
- eCommerce website design
- eCommerce Development New UI/UX Design
We accept E Commerce Website Development projects including Mobile Commerce App from all major towns and cities of Assam including Guwahati, Silchar, Dibrugarh, Tezpur, Tinsukia, Bongaigaon, Mangaldai, Nalbari, Pathsala, Nagaon, Jorhat, Sivasagar, Lakhimpur, Dhekiajuli. We haved expanded our services to multiple cities of Northeast including Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, Imphal, Manipur, Shillong, Meghalaya, Aizawl, Mizoram, Agartala, Tripura, Kohima, Nagaland
What We are Providing
eCommerce Website
Admin Panel
Seller Panel
Delivery Panel
eCommerce Website
- Product List
- Product Grid and List view
- Seach Product Option
- Product Categories
- Product Sub-Categories
- Product Featured List
- Product Variation
- Payment Gateway
- Product Details
- Multiple Product Image
- Popular Product Section
- Order Status
- Delivery Details
- Cart Option
- Procduct Filter Option
- Share Products
- Add & Remove Product from Cart
- Hot Deals Section
- Blog Page
For creating a eCommerse Webiste We use standard open source software like Magento, Opencart, Woo Commerce for small and medium size business and for bigger organization some enterprise version of Magento, Shopify, BigCommerce or other eCommerce CMS to develop professional ecommerce website. We provide customized administrative area for your particular requirements, including product and inventory management, order processing, shipping and handling and payment gateway integration. We also offer Content Management System (CMS) websites with payment gateway integration.
E-business is more than just having an online store. It allows your company to create a genuine, one to one relationship with every customer or potential customer. By analyzing the data generated, you can create individual web pages automatically, send e-mail notification of sales and special promotions, test promotions and quickly improve the effectiveness of marketing programs.
The E-commerce solutions include professional shopping cart software, custom application development, payment gateway integration and marketing through search engine optimization, social media promotion.

UJUDEBUG understands this mobile first trend and has the expertise in taking you the marketplace or bringing the marketplace to you. We are also expertise in Mobile Commerce or Mobile version of eCommerce platform which gives you a 360 degree connection with your customers. May it be Android or iOS or Microsoft, we UJUDEBUG as a leading mobile application development company from Guwahati, Assam develop all kind of shopping mobile app for 24*7 connection with your clients. Our comprehensive service line up starts at initial discussions with the best marketplace platforms to suggesting the best-selling products to go on your company page on the marketplace. So whether a shopper is on his PC, mobile or a tablet, we focus on revenue streams.Check out our portfolio and have a look into our sample works.
Admin Panel for the Website
- Add Seller
- Create Categories
- Create Sub-categories
- Add Popular Product
- Manage Product listing Order
- See All the Queries
- Add/Remove Simple Product
- Add/Remove Variable Products
- Add Muliple image of the Product
- Add Popular Product Section
- Check/Change Order Status
- Check Delivery Details
- Get Users List
- View User's Details
- Activate/Deactive User
- Manage Product Filter Option
- Manage Product Stock
- Add Blogs for the Website

The Admin Panel of the Website we provide has many great features and functionality that help the admin to manage the Website easily. This admin panel gives all the access and control over the Website. From the admin panel, the admin can add/edit/ remove products. They can also add variations to the products, if the product has different variations in size, weight, etc. Can also give a discount price for different products. The admin also creates Categories and sub-categories for different varieties of products. From the panel, the admin can check all the users/customers and can also deactivate the user if the admin wants to deactivate a specific user. The admin can send Promotional notifications to every customer/user with an image. Further, the admin can check the transaction of every customer from this panel. The admin can check the order and can change the order status of the order, which upon change notification is sent to the customer for his order. The admin can also create a feature section for the landing page of the Website and can also update it whenever the admin wants to. The admin also gets a daily sales report/ weekly sales report on the admin panel. The admin panel has many more features that help your business to work smoothly and more productively.
Seller Panel
- Create Categories
- Create Sub-categories
- Add Popular Product
- Manage Product listing Order
- Add/Remove Simple Product
- Add/Remove Variable Products
- Add Muliple image of the Product
- Add Popular Product Section
- Check/Change Order Status
- Check Delivery Details
- Get Users List
- View User's Details
- Manage Product Filter Option
- Manage Product Stock
For the Seller, we provide many great features and functionality that help the Seller to manage their store/business without any difficulties. From the Seller Panel, the Seller can add/edit/ remove products. They can also add variations to the products, if the product has different variations in size, weight, etc. Can also give a discount price for different products. The Seller also creates Categories and their sub-categories for different varieties of products. From the panel, the Seller can check all the user’s orders and remove the user’s order if the Seller wants to remove a specific order.
The Seller can send Promotional notifications to every customer/user with an image. Further, the Seller can check the transaction of every customer from this panel. The Seller can check the order and change the order status, which upon change notification is sent to the customer for his order.
The Seller panel has many more features that help your business work smoothly and productively.

Delivery Panel
- Order Status Check
- Delivery Person List
- Change Order Status
- Customer Details
- Delivery Location
- Map Direction
- Daily Order Delivered
- Delivery Details
- Get Users List
- Live Tracking
- OTP Confirmation
- Activate/Deactivate Delivery Presonal

From this, Delivery Panel the User can do all the logistics things easily without any difficulties. The panel user can check the order received from the customers and can assign orders to specific delivery personnel of his choice. The user can also check the delivery location from the panel. Using this, delivery Panel the user can track delivery personnel from stating the delivery to handing over the order to the customer.
From this panel, the user get all the daily report and a list of the orders that are already been delivered or orders that are not delivered yet. Get the list of orders delivered by individual delivery personnel on daily basis. Delivery panel users can also deactivate or active personnel if needed.