Multi Level Marketing - MLM Software

Multilevel marketing (MLM), also called network marketing or pyramid selling, is a strategy some direct sales companies use to encourage existing distributors to recruit new distributors who are paid a percentage of their recruits' sales. The recruits are the distributor's "downline." Distributors also make money through direct sales of products to customers. MLM Software refers to multi level marketing ( MLM ) / Affiliate marketing management tool. In which an admin user can manage a network, its users, and compensation plan. MLM Software also provides its end users in the network, ability to see their network status, income, and manage their referrals, and payouts. in short, MLM company will be able to do the entire business and track the process and progress through the MLM Software, like new user registration, product purchasing, transactions etc.
Here is a list of some important MLM plans available
Matrix MLM Plan
Binary MLM Plan
Board MLM Plan
Unilevel MLM Plan
Party MLM Plan
Hybrid MLM Plan
Other Income Source
Referral Commission & Bonus
A Referral Commission & Bonus is an incentive that motivates employees to recruit more candidates for their networks to grow big. It is often a part of a more robust employee referral program. The bonus is typically offered to employees who refer someone for full-time, permanent roles.
Sponsor Bonus
The Sponsor providers bonus to you for adding new members to the business. This bonus is given to you by the sponsor to make the employees more active, to increase the expansion of the business. This way of earning more money
Direct Income
You can earn money by just directly selling the products at retails. But selling the product in a non-retail manner like at home, online, or other venues that are not a store. Which eliminates the middlemen who are involved in distribution, such as wholesalers and regional distribution. Removing the middleman saves you a lot of money.
Level Commission
The higher the level is your and the more people are under you. You earn more and more income, with less work. You get commission even if the person below you bring a new person and so on.
- -- Responsive Interface.
- -- Interactive Dashboard.
- -- Easy Login & Registration System.
- -- Free Joining System.
- -- Fund Transfer User TO User.
- -- Flexible Withdraw TO Company / Online Processor.
- -- Details Transection History.
- -- Details Accounts Ledger / Transactions Ledger
- -- User Profile System
- -- Dynamic Support Ticketing SYSTEM
- -- Password Reset Option
- -- Support SMS
- -- Notification System Via Email & SMS
- -- Secure Transection System with LTP ( e-PIN )
- -- SEO Friendly URL
- -- Subscribe & Purchase Plan
- -- Withdrawal Manager
- -- E-Pin Generate & Recharge
- -- 2FA Security enable/disable
- -- Easy TREE view
- -- User Profile System
- -- Product Purchase & repurchase
- -- Withdrawal System

This software is very user-friendly and easy to use. From the admin panel, the admin can check and see all the things going on with his business. The admin can see all the user that was created. Further, the admin can add and remover users, if the admin wants to and manage the user using a single panel. Here the admin is also capable of seeing that how many users are using which browser, which OS they are using and from which country the user the maximum or minimum browsing from. These this are also represented to the admin in chart and graph manner so that it is easy for the admin to check all the detail in short time.
The owner can also manage plan or add new plan if he/she wants to, he/she can edit the previous plan and see the level commission from the software. He/ she is also able to see the user every details like Total Transaction, Total Withdrawals, Total Deposite and Total e-pin the user has generated.
The admin can also see the Total Commission the user is getting and how much the user has earned from referral commission. The admin can email to the user directly form the software. The admin can check login logs of the user and Matrix level and many more.