DynaRoof ERP System

DynaRoof UI and Admin Panel
UI Design
For DynaRoof we have crete multiple UI for different apps and management software. We had to make the UI of DynaRoof to be unique and simple to understand for the users. The user-inteface is very attractive and a nice looking one. Color pallates used in the development of the dynaroof apps and the software are very standard and vivid colors that are eye catching.

Admin Panel
The DynaRoof admin panel is unique and a very productive one. Through this panel, Admin can manage and handle some of the major activities of the business. The admin can create new employees and can assign their job descriptions. Also can create new leads or can track or see the status of the old lead. Through this panel, the admin can also edit or update the records or details of each and every entry. Admin can track the employee's activities by getting their attendance and location from the user app. And there are many more features that are very useful and productive for the company to run smoothly.Key feature of the DynaRoof
Update & edit any previous details
Attendence & location update
Customized Forms
Generate PDF and Excel
Admin Panel
For DynaRoof admin panel, it has multiple features that help Dynaroof to work more efficiently and keep track of all the activities through a single panel. Firstly, DynaRoof admin Panel has a Hierarchy system that allows the admin to create and assign employees that they can give tasks or work to different employees below them. The Panel also allows the admin to make a change or update the information and details of every employee. Moreover, the panel allows the admin to assign job descriptions to the employees the admin added. Also, the admin can remove or delete the entry of the employee the admin entered. Before deleting vital data from the panel the admin gets a confirmation, which gives the admin time to think again about his decision.
Admin can check Attendance and track the location of every employee of DynaRoof. The Admin can also assign leads or transfer leads from this to a different employee if the admin wants to and leads can be changed to a customer from the panel. From this panel, the admin can the status of the leads if it is closed or open and who is in charge of the leads. The panel also allows the admin to create new products and remove old products if the admin wants to. This provide all the order details and allows the admin to change order status.User App (For Sales Employees)
DynaRoof app for sales employees helps them to give attendance, Create new leads, follow-up leads or check their status if want from this app. All the information shown or entered in the app is viewed and edited by the super admin. By which the Super-Admin can keep track of the new Leads or the old ones. And also Super Admin can keep track of the Sales Employees from this App. When a Lead is successful then the lead is changed to a customer.
DealerApp (For Dealer)
In this DynaRoof Dealer App, the Dealer can log in to his account which is created by the Super-Admin from the Admin Panel. From the App, the dealer can Order products and purchase products from the app. Dealer can Edit Order before the order confirmation. The Dealer can also Check Order Status from this app if he wants to check the status of his order.